Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The customer is ALWAYS right...??

In my experience in retail customer service for over 10 years, I have learned that Managers love this sentence..."The customer is always right". They love to flaunt it with a big fake smile at large team spirit meetings, lunches, and even in casual work-related conversations. I swear, it is the most over-used and abused phrase in the grocery business especially, I know I hear it everyday, and so do my fellow retailers. Of course, we think of this phrase when we need to appease the exasperating whine of an annoying customer, and when someone is yelling in our face when they don't get their way, and yet, while we are recieving this abuse, gently think to ourselves, it's ok..."the customer is always right"...just for business sake...

THE CUSTOMER IS NOT ALWAYS RIGHT DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so sick, and tired of spoiled downright rude people walking this planet. I DON'T CARE if we are out of the carrots you use for your family night casserole! THERE ARE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD WHO ARE STARVING!!! Carrots should be the least of your worries. I DON'T CARE if so and so didn't wait on you hand and foot while you were shopping today...SORRY YOU CANT THINK THINGS OUT FOR YOURSELF IDIOT!

Also, there is just something about the grocery store that brings out the absolute worst in people. I grew up in the area that I work in, and so naturally, I see many people who I either know, or know about, on a daily basis. People that seem to be nice and friendly people turn beastly the second they come to the store. The very second that something doesn't go their way, (ex. "there isn't a handbasket for me to put my groceries in, and I simply cannot just use a cart...I think I will throw a fit!") or they don't get exactly what they want (ex. "What do you mean you only have small medium and large olives in 5 different brands? I want jumbo olives in a brand you dont have, so I will never shop here again.") They turn into wild, insane animals full of rage.

SO here it is...If you have ever been or are one of these horrible people, SHUT THE HELL UP!!!! The world will not end because we only carry 8oz., 12 oz., and 32oz. ketchup and you want 20oz. Put away the insanity, stop, close your eyes and take a look at the big picture. You're alive, You have people who love you all around, and then realize that there are way more important things happening in the world than your condiment size. Be grateful that ketchup is avaliable to you instead of complaining about it. That is all...

***Fact, all these examples happened at my store, plus, many many more. I could write a neverending book about how poorly people behave at the store. Its disgusting.***

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