Sunday, January 17, 2010

Down with Bambi?

Ok, I seriously don't understand the logic of some people. This just seems unreal. The residents of the East Bench in Bountiful should be ashamed of themselves.

On Tuesday January 12th, there was a city hall meeting in Bountiful to discuss the "deer problem" that the residents of the east bench are facing. These angry residents complained that deer were wandering their yards, and streets, and they will not stand for it anymore. Their brand-new yards, and brand new gardens are being threatened by these hungry animals. OH PLEASE!!! DOUBLE ARGHHH! It was the bench resident's choice to build their homes in this spot. In the winter, there is this stuff called snow and ice that blocks the deer's food supply high up in the mountains. So naturally, as they have done for thousands of years, the herds re-locate to warmer ground in search of food. I have friends and relatives that live on Ogden's east bench, and they actually seem to enjoy the wildlife that wander their property. It is common sense that if you build on a mountain, you should expect some wildlife.

This topic brings back to my mind, so many similar stories about people acting stupidly, that just twist my bra up. For example, the residents of Willard who built their fresh new homes next to the pig farms. They complained about the smell, and then for some unknown reason, the local government punished the pig farmers, who had been there for decades. Or the people who build their homes way out west, near the farms and then complain about noise and smells coming from their neighbors horses, or cows. Another example is the people who move to Layton, and then whine about how noisy the jets are when they fly over the city. Geez-Louise.

To the whiney residents of Bountiful's east bench: Why don't you take your money, and move into a house far away from the mountain and far away from any sort of creature. None of you complainers deserve what you have. Let someone else who appreciates wildlife live there.

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