Monday, July 12, 2010

Words...Where they don't belong!

Ok. See this image, THIS IS NOT CUTE! Nobody should be walking around with words on their gluteus. It looks cheap, and it looks tacky. Just ask yourself... Would Stacy London wear this??? NO! So stop!

Even if your rump is adorable, you should re-think this wardrobe choice. There are very few people who should even think about attracting attention to their fannies, but even then...Ew. Gross, Nausiating, Nasty.

"Your butt is for turds, not for words." -Jimmy Fallon (A comical man of wisdom)

That is all...

Monday, July 5, 2010

This is Patriotic?? Really?

Ok, I love the 4th of July. This date is so full of history, and our entire nation should come forth, and celebrate this day of Independence. I love most music, country, pop, indie, rap, classical etc. But there is one song which is considered by many to be Patriotic, that is absolutely not. It is the complete opposite, it is barbaric, and egotistical. It is frightening that so many consider this song to be one that defines patriotism in our country. It is a sickening song, one that real patriots would despise. Maybe it is that people haven't actually listened to the lyrics because they are masked by a catchy country tune. Take a minute to read...

"Now this Nation that I love has fallen under attack,
A sucker punch came flyin' in from somewhere in the back,
As soon as we could see clearly through our big black eye,
Man we lit up your world, like the fourth of July,

And Uncle Sam put your name at the top of his list,
and the Statue of liberty started shakin her fist,
And the eagle will fly, and its gonna be hell,
when you hear mother freedom start ringin her bell,
And it'll feel like the whole wide world is rainin down on you,
brought to you courtesy of the red white and blue'll be sorry that you messed with, the US of A,
we'll put a boot in your ass, its the American way...

-The Angry American by Toby Keith

Ok, I am sorry, but this song is disgusting, especially "we'll put a boot in your ass, its the American way". I don't think so. That shouldn't be what we stand for. This is completely un-patriotic. Yes, 9/11 was horrible, and I realized that this song was written in a heat of emotion after it happened, but it makes us sound like a bunch of crazed idiots. Alan Jackson also wrote a great song after 9/11 that wasn't so Barbaric, called "Where were you when the world stopped turning". I am sure that you've all heard it.

Why can't we focus as a country on being more positive? Just a thought...

Friday, June 25, 2010

What is Fair?? Just a thought...

Ok, ok, so there has been A LOT of talk about taxes lately. I have heard frustrations like "We're paying too much" or "we're not getting what we paid for" or "We should have a flat tax, because our tax system is so unfair".

I recently had a discussion about this flat tax idea with a close family member.

It scares me that people think it is OK for citizens to lay out the idea of a Flat tax. I think that mostly, this concept is completely misunderstood, or not thought about enough. FLAT TAX is a very bad idea. Here's why for example...

Lets say that a Flat Tax rate of 20% has been applied...

Scenario #1: Janet is a single mother, making $26,000 dollars/year gross. She has 3 children, and very litte support from her ex. It's tax time, and she owes $5200 in taxes for last year and is wondering how she is supposed to support her family. She worries about paying her rent, childcare and feeding her children on a daily basis. She also pays for healthcare through her job, with a deduction from each month's paycheck of $195.00. Her rent is about average, $800/month for a tiny 3 bedroom apartment. She estimates that she can feed and clothe her children for about $100/week. Utilities, including phone & tv service are about $180. She figures that she will spend $50 on gas each week, and she has POS car and auto insurance costs about $85/month.

Monthly costs Monthly Income

$1860 $2166

In this scenario, Janet would have $306.00 left. Without paying taxes. If she paid her 20% tax by splitting it up over the course of the year, she would be in trouble, with a leftover monthly income of: -$127.00/month. Yikes.

Scenario #2: Gregory has worked his way up the corporate ladder. He is successful with a yearly gross income of $20,000,000. His mortgage payment on his 3rd home is $10,000/month and he has two sports cars that are completely paid off. He has a yacht, and his own private island off the coast of Florida. He doesn't worry about monthly bills or costs, he has people to do that. He is exicted about the decision to imply a flat tax rate. He will actually get to keep more of his income this year! In previous years, before the flat tax, he was practically giving away one-third of his money! now, he will only have to pay $4,000,000. Wow. What a difference! Greg is going to buy another Yacht, and he has his eye on some forclosed real-estate properties as well. What should he buy next?

Ok, so I know that these scenarios are extreme, but just to stimulate a little thought. A flat tax isn't fair, it isn't reasonable. Just think about it. What makes the most sense? Couldn't we apply that well known quote, "where much is given, much is required" to this? I know that it wasn't originally said about anything like this, but think about it. Some people say that a flat tax is the only fair way...but what is really fair?

Obviously 20% means A LOT more to the poor and middle class. A flat tax rate benefits the wealthy.

Just a thought. If there's anyone out there, What is your opinion??

Monday, May 3, 2010

Sure is a laod of $moke...

Have you noticed how literally every-other billboard off the road has something posted on it about fighting "big tobacco"? (the given name "BIG TOBACCO" is horrible. In my opinion.) I have to wonder if these giant expensive billboards are really worth it. How many people look at them and make the decision right then and there, to not or stop smoking?? A big fat NONE. I guarantee.

They look ridiculous.

NOW, I am not a smoker, I haven't ever tried. I guess that all the facts I know about the effects it has on a person's health deterred me from wanting to try. And it smells, It causes people to smell, and that is enough for me to not want to smoke. Ever.

I have to wonder if these ads really serve a purpose, or if they are just a giant waste of $$$$$$. It seems to me that there are other more useful things that this money could be used for. I do think, however that these anti-tobacco programs are useful in schools. That is true. I want it taught to my children, and I will teach them as well. But it just seems useless to spend so much money on TV advertisements, billboards, brochures etc. If you're going to smoke, then its your decision. You made it. Your choice. Everybody knows all the information about the repercussions.

I do however think that money should be invested in this... here. There are so many more horrible things to warn people of. Just like in this article. Junk food, Sexually Transmitted Disease, the entire world's garbage issue...just to name a few. Why don't people donate to recycling awareness, or "Junk food awareness"?? Sounds funny, but I think it is a much bigger problem than anyone thinks. Smoking is bad for you, but so is a steady diet of ho-hos and Coke; I haven't ever seen a billboard warning about that.

So think about that. That's just my two cents.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Reality Bites

Anyone who knows me, knows that I HATE reality TV, from the flooziness of The Bachelor women, to the fake-ness of Kendra and The Hills, and everything in between. I have been called uptight, and weird for not dedicating my life to these show BAH! There are however, some reality shows that are ok and even uplifting or educating, such as The biggest Loser and Iron Chef. This post is not about those.

I am sorry, but I simply DO NOT UNDERSTAND how some people can expose themselves to the mind-numbing gunk that is most reality TV. I have never heard of anything real or descent happening on the The Bachelor (*I am sorry, but those girls make me sick.) , or the Real Housewives of wherever. Those women can't possibly be proud of themselves. They don't care about or want anything important. They have to know that they are a joke...right? I don't understand how someone could think its ok to watch this garbage, I mean really?...You don't have anything better to do? Really???

Lately it looks like Good TV shows are on the outs, and reality is in, It's sad actually. There have got to be hundreds of good ideas for good shows out there, but they can't make it because of all the millions of people watching reality. Remember Arrested Development? One of the best shows on TV? C-A-N-C-E-L-E-D!!!!!
Please take a minute to watchi this video. It's hilarious!
It is terrible to me that people who watch this trash could be doing something to better themselves, people and they waste their life away watching these programs. If you're doing it, then literally, YOU ARE WASTING YOUR TIME AWAY! Get off the couch and play with your kids, do an art project, read a book, get involved in your community, or clean your house! You will be amazed what you can accomplish and how good you'll feel when you don't watch this junk! Find something worth your time.

That is all.

Friday, April 16, 2010

French Toast Slam... or Big Breakfast. Hmmm

Ok. We all love a good breakfast right? I mean, who doesn't love to go to a restaurant and eat breakfast? We can just sit , and relax, and enjoy, and not have to worry about a huge sticky/greasy mess to clean up after...or a hovering bacon smell (which seems to NEVER GO AWAY!).

I always used to think that Denny's was a good place for a fun and delicious breakfast getaway. Give me a French Toast Slam with an orange juice and I was set. Fast, easy and delicious, Right? WRONG!

I have recently discovered Jeremiah's Restaurant. It has literally saved my breakfast life. I cannot believe the crap that I occasionally "treated" myself, and my family to at Denny's. Go here to see the Jeremiah's breakfast menu. Here to see Denny's.

At Jeremiah's I can get the Jeremiah's big breakfast which includes two ginormous pancakes, two huge-antic sausages, two bacons, a heapin' serving of hashbrowns, and eggs for $7.99. (and believe me, that is WAY too much food for one person.) At Denny's for $7.99 I can get two processed-to-plastic eggs, two pre-cooked bacon strings, two barely-made-out-of-meat sausages, and two french cardboards.

Really? I mean...Really?? Denny's you should be ashamed of your corporate disgustingness. I guess it is true that the best things come in small doses. Jeremiah's is one restaurant, and Denny's is a giant corporation of many restaurants only concerned with getting food to people fast, and cheap. Shame on you Denny's for feeding people garbage.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

SHUT UP Glen Beck

I just watched a video that my cousin posted on Facebook, of Glen Beck literaly freaking out on a caller during his show. If you don't already know, I do not like Glen Beck nor do I listen to his rantings, but I was flabbergasted by this. I have been thinking about writing a Glen Beck post for this blog, but hadn't previously because of tension on the subject between me, and some family members. This video was the straw that broke the camel's back. (Let it be known, that I don't agree with the video makers poking fun at Glen's previous addictions. I don't care about the rest of the video, because that guy himself is a dirtbag. I only wanted the recording of the call, but couldn't find just that FYI.)

It begins with a caller simply asking why Glen's views are the way they are, and from the begining, he acts like a child, mocking, and belittling her. Then she defends herself, and he just starts screaming, and screetching, and finally says "GET OFF MY PHONE...YOU YOU YOU...PINHEAD!

I cannot stand Glen, or his views on life, or politics. I think that he is completely wrong about the health care bill. I often think about what he would think if he had no health insurance. What if he lost his home, because he couldn't pay his medical bills. What would he think if he couldn't afford to pay for vital prescriptions? What if he had a pre-existing medical condition, and had been denied by a dozen insurance companies? I have co-workers and friends in this position. If something were to happen, and they lost their jobs, or got laid off, they would lose their insurance. And because of serious pre-existing conditions, they would go bankrupt, and lose everything.

There are two things that Glen is particularly talented at. One, he is extremely charismatic. He lures in listeners with his humor and personality. Two, he is extraordinarily good at arguing. But he is a sore loser. If someone argues with him, and it looks like he is wrong, and they are right, he takes to freaking out, and yelling. I am convinced that his arguing skills are why so many people think he is right.

If you think I am wrong, please do me this favor. If you are religious place all of you religious beliefs next to Glen's. Do they run parallel? ABSOLUTELY NOT. They are completely opposite. Glen Beck claims to be religious, but he doesn't care about his fellow man, which is the most important thing in his religion.

I am not saying that he health-care bill is perfect, (and I didn't vote, so no, I didn't vote for Obama, nor do I think he has all the answers) but we truly needed a change. The current healthcare system in this country IS NOT WORKING! Of course the healthcare bill isn't perfect, but the kinks will get straightened out, and we will all learn as we go. This bill is a light for so many who have to fear the darkness.

So Glen Beck, SHUT UP! And stop being so concerned with your fame, and fortune, and start thinking about those who don't have anything. That is all...