Monday, May 3, 2010

Sure is a laod of $moke...

Have you noticed how literally every-other billboard off the road has something posted on it about fighting "big tobacco"? (the given name "BIG TOBACCO" is horrible. In my opinion.) I have to wonder if these giant expensive billboards are really worth it. How many people look at them and make the decision right then and there, to not or stop smoking?? A big fat NONE. I guarantee.

They look ridiculous.

NOW, I am not a smoker, I haven't ever tried. I guess that all the facts I know about the effects it has on a person's health deterred me from wanting to try. And it smells, It causes people to smell, and that is enough for me to not want to smoke. Ever.

I have to wonder if these ads really serve a purpose, or if they are just a giant waste of $$$$$$. It seems to me that there are other more useful things that this money could be used for. I do think, however that these anti-tobacco programs are useful in schools. That is true. I want it taught to my children, and I will teach them as well. But it just seems useless to spend so much money on TV advertisements, billboards, brochures etc. If you're going to smoke, then its your decision. You made it. Your choice. Everybody knows all the information about the repercussions.

I do however think that money should be invested in this... here. There are so many more horrible things to warn people of. Just like in this article. Junk food, Sexually Transmitted Disease, the entire world's garbage issue...just to name a few. Why don't people donate to recycling awareness, or "Junk food awareness"?? Sounds funny, but I think it is a much bigger problem than anyone thinks. Smoking is bad for you, but so is a steady diet of ho-hos and Coke; I haven't ever seen a billboard warning about that.

So think about that. That's just my two cents.