Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Reality Bites

Anyone who knows me, knows that I HATE reality TV, from the flooziness of The Bachelor women, to the fake-ness of Kendra and The Hills, and everything in between. I have been called uptight, and weird for not dedicating my life to these show BAH! There are however, some reality shows that are ok and even uplifting or educating, such as The biggest Loser and Iron Chef. This post is not about those.

I am sorry, but I simply DO NOT UNDERSTAND how some people can expose themselves to the mind-numbing gunk that is most reality TV. I have never heard of anything real or descent happening on the The Bachelor (*I am sorry, but those girls make me sick.) , or the Real Housewives of wherever. Those women can't possibly be proud of themselves. They don't care about or want anything important. They have to know that they are a joke...right? I don't understand how someone could think its ok to watch this garbage, I mean really?...You don't have anything better to do? Really???

Lately it looks like Good TV shows are on the outs, and reality is in, It's sad actually. There have got to be hundreds of good ideas for good shows out there, but they can't make it because of all the millions of people watching reality. Remember Arrested Development? One of the best shows on TV? C-A-N-C-E-L-E-D!!!!!
Please take a minute to watchi this video. It's hilarious!
It is terrible to me that people who watch this trash could be doing something to better themselves, people and they waste their life away watching these programs. If you're doing it, then literally, YOU ARE WASTING YOUR TIME AWAY! Get off the couch and play with your kids, do an art project, read a book, get involved in your community, or clean your house! You will be amazed what you can accomplish and how good you'll feel when you don't watch this junk! Find something worth your time.

That is all.

Friday, April 16, 2010

French Toast Slam... or Big Breakfast. Hmmm

Ok. We all love a good breakfast right? I mean, who doesn't love to go to a restaurant and eat breakfast? We can just sit , and relax, and enjoy, and not have to worry about a huge sticky/greasy mess to clean up after...or a hovering bacon smell (which seems to NEVER GO AWAY!).

I always used to think that Denny's was a good place for a fun and delicious breakfast getaway. Give me a French Toast Slam with an orange juice and I was set. Fast, easy and delicious, Right? WRONG!

I have recently discovered Jeremiah's Restaurant. It has literally saved my breakfast life. I cannot believe the crap that I occasionally "treated" myself, and my family to at Denny's. Go here to see the Jeremiah's breakfast menu. Here to see Denny's.

At Jeremiah's I can get the Jeremiah's big breakfast which includes two ginormous pancakes, two huge-antic sausages, two bacons, a heapin' serving of hashbrowns, and eggs for $7.99. (and believe me, that is WAY too much food for one person.) At Denny's for $7.99 I can get two processed-to-plastic eggs, two pre-cooked bacon strings, two barely-made-out-of-meat sausages, and two french cardboards.

Really? I mean...Really?? Denny's you should be ashamed of your corporate disgustingness. I guess it is true that the best things come in small doses. Jeremiah's is one restaurant, and Denny's is a giant corporation of many restaurants only concerned with getting food to people fast, and cheap. Shame on you Denny's for feeding people garbage.